Our Clients

North Orange County Intergroup Association

Wesley F. May
Chairman of the Board


As the outgoing Chairman of the North Orange County Intergroup Association of Alcoholics Anonymous, I must express my thanks for a job well done to the outgoing Board of Directors and particularly to the Executive Director, Faith Barnese.

Faith is a dynamic self-starter that has to be given a lot of credit for keeping the North Orange County Office viable, sustainable and open during the last two years of COVID challenges.  She exudes a spirit of wellbeing, confidence and determination to others. An accomplished leader who evaluated our circumstances in light of closed meetings and COVID restrictions and helped us come up with a viable plan to keep NOCCO open to support thousands of alcoholics in need.  Faith epitomizes those qualities most highly sought in a model Executive Director; management expertise, organizational insight, financial restructuring, and skilled leadership principles and values are her personal trademarks.  She has been a pleasure to serve with.

Solar Marketing Partners

Jeremy J. Marcus

Words can not express how grateful I am to The Barnese Group.

When it comes to business, there are things that I enjoy and things that I don’t enjoy.  The Barnese Group literally took the things that I don’t enjoy off my plate so that I could focus on the things I enjoy.  Our company credits a tremendous amount of our growth and success to The Barnese Group.

No matter what stage of business you may be at, I strongly encourage you to get in contact with them ASAP.  They handle all aspects of the financial side of our business, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thank You & God Bless.

Mid Southern California Area 09

Ed L.
Area 09 Delegate
Panel 72


“I want to thank you for your 110% responsiveness to all my delegate requests! My perception is that you served Area 09 in the best possible way, with no need for improvement, and are to be commended for your responsible management of our website. Given your promptness, I feel that 100% of everything I need to transmit from New York to Area 09 was shared by you in as timely a manner as possible, sometimes within minutes of my sending it to you.

So, thanks for your service, which is truly anonymous, as I doubt that more than a handful of us could pick you out of a Zoom crowd, yet you are providing an essential service and are largely responsible for the effective function of our Area.”